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Vuprosi otgovori
Vupros: Kak da BOOTN-a UNBUNTU ot hard disk?
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Kum nachaloto |Dobavi vupros |Otgovori
Ot: Delazlo Data: 06/10/2006
 Poradi fakta, che niamam zapisvashto ustroistvo, bih zhelal da
znam kak stava boot pre HDD. Blagodaria predvaritelno!

Otgovor #1
Ot: ZEN Data: 06/11/2006
Mozhe bi isksh da si go instalirash ot hard?
 Inache botvaneto si e normalno sled kato go instalirash, kakto
 i pri dr. distributsii... ako si instaliral boot louder
razbira se...

Otgovor #2
Ot: Delazlo Data: 06/11/2006
 Dobre, a bi li mi obiasnil kak stava tova "instalirane ot

Otgovor #3
Ot: nforcer Data: 06/12/2006

Otgovor #4
Ot: Delazlo Data: 06/12/2006
Blagodaria. Stiga da imah flopi, shtiah da go napravia.

Otgovor #5
Ot: nforcer Data: 06/12/2006
 mrezha pone imash li i poddurzha li boot ot neia ako e taka cheti
 glava 4.6 ot rukovodstvoto za instalirane na debian ako ne
pone usb niamash li.

Otgovor #6
Ot: Delazlo Data: 06/12/2006
 Imam mrezha, pravia vsichko kakto triabzha, no ne iska da bootne.

 instaliram INSTlux, reboot i sled tova otnovo si zarezhda
 Uindols. Ako mozhe da mi obiasnite kak stava prez mrezha,
 zashtoto nikude ne vidiah tochno opisano, a samo failove i ot
kade da se iztegliat. mersi.

Otgovor #7
Ot: nforcer Data: 06/12/2006
Windows NT/2000/XP (using Grub)

 Download Grub For Dos from

 (this worked for me--current grub4dos available via worked for
Qrious once he had corrected the wiki :))) 

Extract grldr from the archive to c:\. 

Create a new folder in c:\boot\ called grub. 

 Extract menu.lst (Should be in the /boot/grub folder of the
 archive) to c:\boot\grub The rest of the files in the
 archive are unnecessary. (If your default
 compression/archive program doesn't like *.gz files, try
7-Zip from or TUGzip from 

Append c:\grldr="Install Ubuntu" to c:\boot.ini. 

To view and edit the Boot.ini file on WindowsXP:
 1. Right-click on My Computer, and then click Properties.
  2. On the Advanced tab, click Settings under Startup and
 3. Under System Startup, click Edit.

 Note: Eventhough c:\boot.ini is not shown by the explorer,
 this file exists and can be also opened in the notepad. Just
write the path c:\Boot.ini at the open dialog. 

 Open menu.lst in a text editor and paste the following text
in the file: 

title Install Ubuntu
 kernel   (hd0,0)/boot/linux vga=normal ramdisk_size=14972
root=/dev/rd/0 rw --
initrd   (hd0,0)/boot/initrd.gz

 Save menu.lst, reboot, and select "Install Ubuntu" in the
 windows OS chooser then in GRUB. You now have a network
installation of Ubuntu going. 

 This procedure should be possible using a disk image, but it
 may be necessary to use a different kernel and pass some
 special argument in menu.lst to tell it to boot from the CD
image (Has been achieved using Knoppix). 

 It would be nice if someone could automate this process.
 InstallationUbuntuFromWindows outlines how such an
installation system might work.

Otgovor #8
Ot: nforcer Data: 06/12/2006

Otgovor #9
Ot: nforcer Data: 06/16/2006
 < Imam mrezha, pravia vsichko kakto triabzha, no ne iska da

 instaliram INSTlux, reboot i sled tova otnovo si zarezhda
 Uindols. Ako mozhe da mi obiasnite kak stava prez mrezha,
 zashtoto nikude ne vidiah tochno opisano, a samo failove i ot
kade da se iztegliat. mersi.>

Pri men stana ot hardiska po sledniia nachin:
Svalih poslednata versiia na inslux za Ubuntu 6.06 ot

 Startirah instalatsiiata poiska restart no pri restarta ne
 mozha da zapishe neobhodimiia red startirasht grub v
 boot.ini,mozhe bi zashtoto faila e read-only. Za tselta sled
 restarta mahnah atributa read-only na faila i dobavih
sledniia red:

C:\GRLDR="Start Grub" 

i vurnah neobhodimite atributi.

 Svalih iso-to na Ubuntu i go zapisah v korenna direktoriia na
 hardiska primerno C:\ubuntu.iso ,mozhe i koi da e drug dial no
da e v korennata direktoriia.

 Tui kato instlux postavia samo failovete neobhodimi za
 mrezhova instalatsiia iztrih sudurzhanieto na
 c:\instluxNETUbuntu6_06 izteglih ot
 failovete initrd.gz i vmlinuz i gi postavih v tazi

 Sled tova redaktirah faila c:\menu.lst po sledniia nachin za
 da mozhe grub da startira zarezhdashtite failove na Ubuntu za
instalatsiia ot hard disk:

title Ubuntu 6.06 installer
 kernel   (hd0,0)/instluxNETUbuntu6_06/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0
initrd   (hd0,0)/instluxNETUbuntu6_06/initrd.gz

 Sledva restart ,izbor na optsiiata Start Grub ottam
 instalatsionnata protsedura ako iso faila e v korenna
direktoriia na diskov dial tia shte go nameri i zaredi.
 Protsedurata bi triabvalo da raboti i za drugi distributsii s
 smiana na iadroto vmlinuz i initrd modula i suotvetna promiana
na razmera na ramdiska.

 Za napisvaneto na tova rukovodstvo sum se rukovodil v po
goliamata mu chast ot

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