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Vuprosi otgovori
Vupros: avidemux.on.slackware
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Kum nachaloto |Dobavi vupros |Otgovori
Ot: Sixer Data: 10/22/2006
 Opitvam se da instaliram Avidemux na Slackware 10.1
 (2.4.29). Sled razarhiviraneto puskam konfiga s
 --with-jsapi-include=/usr/include/mozilla-1.7.5/js/ i mi
vrushta greshka
checking for jsapi.h... yes
checking for JS_Init in -ljs... no
checking for JS_Init in -lsmjs... no
checking for JS_Init in -lmozjs... no
 configure: error: *** SPIDERMONKEY javascript engine not
found !***
 a *** SPIDERMONKEY javascript engine si e tochno tam, pri
 paketa s mozilla. Nadiavam se niakoi da se e sbluskval i
preodoliaval tozi problem.

Otgovor #1
Ot: BaHkoTo Data: 10/23/2006
 Razgledai i tuk -


 On Slackware there are no precompiled packages for libjs, so
 you can either try to do something with the source files.
 There is the Library Error/Failure section if you want to
 try a trick with symlinks. Another option is that you can
 avoid installing the libraries altogether and compile
 Avidemux against the Mozilla webbrowser. If you have the
 Mozilla installed, you can try this trick instead of

You will need to find the location of your copy of Mozilla.



--with-jsapi-include=/usr/include/mozilla-1.7.11/js/ \ 

 This is the extra arguments you would use in the ./configure
 step during the Avidemux compiling, not the SpiderMonkey
library compiling.

Otgovor #2
Ot: Sixer Data: 10/23/2006
 Instalira se, samo che ot tova, che ne znam kakvo tochno pravia
sus suveta ti ne znam kak da otstrania sledvashtiia problem 
root@sixer:/soft/avidemux-2.1.2/avidemux# avidemux2
 avidemux2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
 root@sixer:/soft/avidemux-2.1.2/avidemux# locate
 root@sixer:/soft/avidemux-2.1.2/avidemux# ls -l
 -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 513132 2004-12-22 01:21

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