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Kum nachaloto |Dobavi vupros |Otgovori
Ot: no name (logen< at >mail__dot__bg) Data: 07/20/2002
Zdrasti na vsichki 
Nov Sam i Se nujdaq ot malko help 
Kachix si Red Hat 7.2 vsichko si beshe cool 
dakato ne stignax do  na modem i vrazkata mi 
 znachi Dialup Configuration si mi go namira modema 
[modema mi e varnesh acorp 56] sled towa se opitvam da se 
conect s RH PPP Dialer programkata ,pone taka pisheshe v 
 edna kniga , no ne stawa  dava si svobodno ne ne iska da
nabira nomera koito sam my zadal 
kakwo trqbwa da napravq :)

Otgovor #1
Ot: raptor Data: 07/20/2002
 ima nqkolko programi za nastroika na ppp ako si s KDE
 probwai "kpp" s GNOME "gnome-ppp".. razgledai mennutata i
 ste gi widish ... ako ne probwai da gi startirash ot
 Ako ne movesh da gi startirash wiv dali ne si zabrawil da gi

 Mislq che oswen tqh i RH sigurno ima i swoq programa ... ne
 se strahuwai zashtoto koqto i programa da polzwash tq prawi
promeni wyw failowete w /etc/ppp, hwarli im edin pogled ..


 PS. ako ti se zadalbawa towa e edno neshto deto pisah
nawremeto i ne go dowyrshih :

 Not finished yet.....
 I will present you the main idea behind the ppp connection
 as I understand it after alot of experimets and problems. I
 had many good and bad days with this. Hope this will save
you some troubles ...
So here is it ...
 FIRST this is one to one connection i.e. both parties in the
connection know the address of each other.
 (Make the diff with the Erhernet network where one must do
"arp" request to resolve IP to MAC address).
 Where I want to point your attention is that in a Ethernet
 you must think/make difference for/between your local
 network(discovered by the NETMASK) and the outside world to
 which you are connected via the GATEWAY. On the other hand
 in PPP connection you have ONLY one address, the address of
 your neighbor (it is your localnet and your gateway). READ
 this again carefuly it can save you alot ROUTING problems,
yes ROUTING. How the PPP conection is established.
 1. Modems must connect (if you use modems - a whole new
 2. Estabilish LCP(link control protocol) connection - in
 this phase both parties negotiate link options, test the
line etc...
 3. Authenticate if needed (CHAP,PAP). If one of the peers
 want auth. and it request can't be satisfied the connection
is closed.
 4. Negotiate NCP - in this phase the Network Control
 Protocol is negotiated, in most cases IPCP (IP). Only after
 this stage finish you can have the "ping" or other network
5. Connection is up, we can send packets.
 So we have 4 major points where connection may fail, take
 this in mind. In most of the cases two main executables are
 involved - chat and pppd. You have also a kernel part of the
 Now the /etc/ppp directory the heart of the PPPD - I will
 explain only most important things, pls be pation and
 print/read - man pppd -. The options is as follow command
line, options file, file.
 /etc/ppp/options file. If you work with pool of modems put
 here only common configuration for all tty's. f.e. -
#kdebug 4
user ivan
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/modem"
 (all of the options can be passed on command line so put
 here only options you've already tested and know that will
be included in your final configuration).
 The first line tells the pppd to which tty device to
connect, next is terminal/port speed.
 -lock - tell's to pppd daemon to create a lock file so any
 other program that care about this will know that the tty is
busy (f.e. minicom) during the connection.
 -debug - tell's a pppd to log what happen to /var/log/...
(/etc/syslog.conf - facility daemon, level debug)
 -kdebug - save kernel debging info to the syslog... values
can be : 1 - 7.
-ctrscts - hardware flow control.
 -defaultroute - when connection is up a default route is
added which point
 to this pppX interface. This is mostly used when you make
Dialp-UP connectons.
 nodetach - in most of the cases you don't need this. With
 this option you tell the pppd to stay attached to the
 current terminal, so you can see what exactly is happening.
Use it only for testing purposes.
 -user ivan - if the other side request authentication, your
 pppd will send this name and password you specified in
 /etc/chap-secret or /etc/pap-secret, depending what auth
 method other peer request. You will primary need this for
Dial-UP connections.
 -connect "..." - here you supply the chat script that will
 make the modem connection (first phase). With -f option I'm
 specifing the name of the Chat script(see bellow). With -v
send logging information to syslog.
The chat script.
/etc/ppp/modem =====
"" ATX3DP555555
pap-secret OR chap-secret =====
# client server secret/password IP addresses
ivan * jdupxx *
not finished .......
 TODO : Use script or command line for testing and inittab to
 set final config. (leased), don't use rc.blah, syslog
redirection to /dev/ttyX ...

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