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Help s Lindows
« -: Jul 11, 2002, 21:19 »
Molia vi, pomognete da se spravim s tozi Lindows. Ima go na Free.evro.net i http://www.data.bg, no neshto ne trugva. Instalira se kato horata i kogato triabva da boot-ne ot harda zapecva.

Znam che e osnova Linux i zatova se obrushtam kum vas za pomosht.

Samo ne zapochvaite da me razubezhdavate che tova ne e neshto koeto si zasluzhava polzvane. Problema mi ne e che ne znam kakvo da polzvam, a che ne moga da se spravia s Lindows-a

10x predvaritelno


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Help s Lindows
« Отговор #1 -: Jul 11, 2002, 22:26 »
Da znaesh golqm zor e. az si go kupih toq lindows i da ti kaja parwite mi wpechatleniq sa che towa e sledwashtata stapka w ewuluciqta na lin kam glezotiite na win.
1. ima 2 wida instalacii frendly i take over 1-ta se installwa warhu win 98 i izbirash koq tochno da bootnes. 2-ta direktno iztriwa wsichko i se installwa.
2. da podkarash 1-wiq wariant e dosta trudno i primen mi se naloji da preinstaliram 5-6 edin kirliw win98 , da si prawq boot disketa, doot CD i t.n. sled n opita za kombiniramne uspq da se installne. kak stana tochno i az ne si spomnqm, probwah pochti wsichko ....
3. wtoriqt wariant take over se installwa bez problem i tragwa. za parwi pat widqh kak se installwa printer s 2-3 klika  '<img'>) ima dosta glezotii, no wse oshte e w proces na razrabotka. wapreki towa nqkoi win programi se instalwat i tragwat bez problem (Arles WebPageCreator) naprimer drugi samo se installwat no ne tragwat (Trilian) neznam kak da mu installna ICQ zashtoto iska IE. ama kakto i da e. Imat edna golqma baza prekompilirani programi w tehniq click-n-run warehause no pri men Lindowsa nemoja da se swarje s nego( moje bi zaradi socsa).  

4. nema poddrajka za cyr. bg-linuxa ne tragna, Kilyxa sashto ne se installna, no ako nqkoj ima poweche opit s debian ......

towa sa poslednite versii
>LindowsOS.iso Installer
>version 1.1.1                 released: 06-21-2002 file size: >347.53 MB
>Used to create a CD from which you can then do a Friendly >Install of LindowsOS alongside Microsoft Windows 98, 98 (SE), >ME or 2000 (with a FAT file system) or to do a Standalone >Install (i.e. Wipe out whole hard disk).

>LindowsOS.exe Installer
>version 1.1.1                 released: 06-21-2002 file size: >251.86 MB
>Electronic download only - Used to install LindowsOS >side-by-side with Microsoft Windows 98 or 98 (SE). Choose >the .iso if you're running anything other than Microsoft >Windows 98 or 98 (SE).

utochni s koj fajl razpolagash da widim ako trqbwa da ti drapna poslednite wersii

"за всичко иде час" Еклесиаст 3:1
всеки пост - отговор на въпрос
24.12.2003 "MS Free"


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Help s Lindows
« Отговор #2 -: Jul 11, 2002, 22:29 »
eto i malko hint ot tehniq site

My.Lindows.com > My Products > Install Options for LindowsOS

Installation Options for LindowsOS
This information will help you find the right method for you when installing LindowsOS.

There are two main approaches for installing the LindowsOSTM operating system:

1. Install LindowsOSTM as the only operating system on the computer.

This method will take over the hard drive, removing all previous files, and use LindowsOS as the only operating system on the computer.

· If you wish to use this method, you can either:
  a. Download the LindowsOS ISO file and burn a CD (how to create a CD), or
  b. Order a CD and have it shipped to you.

Once you have the CD, you can then boot from this CD and follow the installation instructions to take over the hard drive and install LindowsOS. (You'll need to set the BIOS in your computer to boot from the CD, if it's not already set to do so.)

2. Install LindowsOS side-by-side on an existing Windows® machine.

This method will create a dual boot menu so you can choose between LindowsOSTM and Windows® each time you start your computer. During the installation, LindowsOS will also try and "migrate" many of the settings you have in Windows® to the LindowsOS desktop (bookmarks, e-mail, wall paper, icons, menus, etc.)

For a side-by-side installation, here are the available options for the different versions of Windows:

· Windows® 98, Windows® 98 SE
LindowsOS and the "Windows® migration" features work best on these versions of Windows®. If you're running Windows® 98 or 98 SE, you can either:
a. Download the LindowsInstaller.exe file and run this from within Windows, or
b. Order a CD and have it shipped to you, or
c. Download the LindowsOS ISO file and burn a CD.

If you install from the CD, be sure and run the set up program on the CD from within Windows, then follow the directions.

NOTE: Using the EXE method will require at least 1.5G of free disk space (500MB to download and unpack the file, and 1G to install the operating system)!!

· Windows® ME, Windows® 2000 with a VFAT file system*
In the Sneak Preview version, the LindowsInstaller.exe file will not work with these versions of Windows, therefore you must either:
a. Order a CD and have it shipped to you, or
b. Download the LindowsOS ISO file and burn a CD.

Be sure and run the set-up program on the CD from within Windows, then follow the directions.

· Windows® 95, Windows® NT, Windows® XP and Windows® 2000 with an NTFS file system*
At this time, LindowsOS will not install side-by-side with these versions of Windows® or any version of Windows® running the NTFS file system (VFAT is required.) LindowsOS can run on these computers, but it would need to take over the entire hard drive and you'd lose Windows® and all files on the machine, as explained in Option 1 above.

*You can check your Windows® 2000 file system type (VFAT or NTFS) in Windows by opening My Computer, and then right clicking on your hard drive and selecting properties. VFAT file systems will say either "FAT 16" or "FAT 32" while an NTFS file system will say "NTFS." LindowsOS can not operate side-by-side with Windows® if your drive is using the NTFS file system.

"за всичко иде час" Еклесиаст 3:1
всеки пост - отговор на въпрос
24.12.2003 "MS Free"


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  • Николай Колев
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Help s Lindows
« Отговор #3 -: Jul 11, 2002, 22:43 »
wij kakwo namerih w foruma im:
On my system I put in an old 12 gig drive, and set the system to do a take over install. Everything seemed to go fine till reboot. All I get is:

L 02 02 02 02 02 ...

and the 02's repeat forever. Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Go into the BIOS setup and change the HDD type to LBA or LArge. Lindows does not like the auto setting for many BIOS' like Award 6.0 for eg.

that fixed it thanks


ako opishesh tochno problema moga da probwam da ti potarsq neshto iz foruma

"за всичко иде час" Еклесиаст 3:1
всеки пост - отговор на въпрос
24.12.2003 "MS Free"

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Help s Lindows
« Отговор #4 -: Jul 12, 2002, 14:13 »
I taka ne stava pak produlzhava da dava 80 80 80 80 80
ne e kakto pishe 20 20 20 20

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